5 Reasons Invisalign Wearers Should Stop Smoking

10 April 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Since Invisalign aligners are removable, you can take them out whenever you need to eat a meal. However, some people assume this means they can also be removed when you want a cigarette, or that being able to remove and wash your aligners means that smoking while wearing them is fine.

Unfortunately, smoking can lead to several issues for Invisalign wearers, so it isn't recommended. Of course, stopping smoking is easier said than done, but here are just five reasons why it's a habit you should try to kick for the sake of your Invisalign treatment.

1. Trapped Toxins 

Whether you remove your Invisalign aligners before smoking or smoke while wearing them, compounds such as tar and nicotine can be left behind. Such compounds are always bad for your teeth, but they can be particularly damaging when you wear aligners since they can become trapped between those aligners and your teeth. This can increase your risk of several serious dental issues, including enamel erosion and gum disease.

2. Staining

Aligners can start to stain when you wear them while smoking, and that rather defeats the purpose of choosing a more visually discreet treatment option in the first place. If you remove your aligners to smoke, some staining compounds will be left behind and get trapped next to your teeth. This will result in stains developing on both your teeth and your aligners.

3. Bad Breath

You probably already know that smoking causes bad breath, but any kind of orthodontic device can make this issue much worse since foul odours can seep into the material of such devices. This means smoking with Invisalign aligners can cause them to develop a stale unpleasant smell over time that cannot be removed.

4. Gum Irritation

Invisalign aligners tend to produce less discomfort than other methods of aligning your teeth. However, they do still need to place your teeth under pressure. Smoking can make this a more painful process since gums can harden when exposed to tobacco smoke and become more sensitive. This will make the movement of teeth and the wearing of any orthodontic device far more uncomfortable.

5. Unnecessary Breaks

Finally, it's worth remembering that Invisalign aligners should be worn for most of the day. Ideally, you'll only remove them while eating, cleaning your teeth or cleaning the aligners themselves. Unfortunately, smoking provides another excuse to pop out your aligners. When this happens multiple times each day, it can slow down the progress of your treatment.

Speak to your dentist to learn more about Invisalign.